Saturday, February 26, 2011

Quickie Comic

This was a little idea I had at work about a month ago... I spent probably less than 5 minutes sketching it out... and then about the same coloring it... enjoy

Monday, February 21, 2011

Body Gallery

I was really considering a bjork tattoo for a long time, I've been really into her since I was 11 so I figured I would never get tired of it... plus, I feel like I owe her something for inspiring me so much and helping me stay on my path and pursue the things I've needed to pursue. I don't know what lyric to get, or where yet or a picture perhaps?... so I'm waiting til the right thing comes along :) (I have a few thousand ideas)

Tattoos are interesting... your body tells the story of the life that was lived in it... whether through aging, body type, skin condition (your genes/how well you've taken care of yourself/where you've lived)... Everything comes together to create you, tattoos can be a really big part of that too... I've heard stories of several women who have survived breast cancer but had to have either one or both of their breasts removed. They get a huge chest piece just to show how much they have been through. Putting artwork permanently on your body is a huge deal... you have to pick something that is timeless to you (don't want to have a tribal arm band, or lower back tattoo... nothing too faddy)... something you will always love. It's like being an art collector but you are the gallery. What you have displays your taste and interest... so it's something to definitely be thought of in depth!

I finally have decided what my next tattoo will be... not sure when I'll get it though...

Time to start investing in my body gallery.


Friday, February 18, 2011

So, I was thinking...

I've been following my path as long as I knew I could take it, and I'm staying on it, because it has taken me on an amazing adventure.

(just thought I should share)


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Peanut Butter Soupçons

For those of us that are not so monitarily inclined, we are left with few options when it comes time to nibble. We may not always be able to indulge, but we shouldn't succumb to noxious eating patterns. (the college "Ramen diet", or Fast Food Circuit) Fortunately, having less money makes one more inventive and advantageous by nature.

I don't consider myself a great cook (more an inexperienced one) but through times of drought I have thrown together a few interesting snacks and meals that are not only healthy, but economical and copious. I feel as though I should share these things with anyone who is in need of fast, inexpensive meal options. (whether you are a starving artist, student, druggie... what have you)

I give you "Peanut Butter Soupçons"



I highly recommend using one of ten "Peanut Butter & Co." flavors (you can really mix it up this way)

I have chosen Skippy Natural Peanut Butter because it has little ingredients (Roasted Peanuts, Sugar, Palm Oil, & Salt.) and I can pick it up from a store within walking distance. If I have extra money for the train I can go to Trader Joe's or Whole Foods to pick up something healthier... but, they tend to also be pricier, so why not make your own?


Kashi Go Lean Crunch is what I currently have. It's great for this because not only does it taste great and is good for you (9g of protein to keep you full longer, 8g of fiber, and 7 Whole Grains) but it has a good texture and really completes this snack.

Now simply take any spoon and scoop up a desired amount of peanut butter, then generously dip it in your selected cereal (that is now in a bowl or other container) and voilà! Repeat as desired and you will be left feeling healthy and full... until your next craving. I know what you're thinking.

"But Daniel, that is just a spoonful of peanut butter with cereal on it"

and, good golly you're right! ... (This is also a fun snack because you can combine so many different kinds of peanut butter and cereal... the options are only as limited as your budget/kitchen contents)

If you have an oven (which I do not) and a little more money/ingredients, you can take an even bigger step with this idea. I googled peanut butter and cereal recipes just to see what all was out there and found that Skippy actually has a recipe for "CHEWY PEANUT BUTTER CEREAL COOKIES". These are great for on-the-go but have added sugar.

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Wednesday, February 16, 2011


My good friend Monica Schrock (Low Impact Betty creator and Envira enthusiast) gave me an opportunity to design a graphic for a poster for Tree People's WATER MONTH!! Here it is! (Thanks Monica!! :)

No.A Collages

Check out all the new goodies at Number A! 374 E. 2nd St. Little Tokyo!!

(I don't own the rights to any of these photos)


Sunday, February 6, 2011


Hey guys and gals,

It's almost that time again... another Envira Finale... Last time Green Tina exploited the League of Rich Bitches and tried making money off of unsuspecting citizens... this time Toxa is hell bent on ending the world because she feels like humanity isn't worthy of existence....

What will happen in Part V of Envira Returns???

Find out tomorrow: Monday, February 7th... only on....

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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Something that moves you...

As a comic book artist we are given many tools to achieve our goal. We want to take what is written and enhance it. We want to match it or make it clash with what is being said.... we want to help convey emotion, action, time passing.... we are given many tools; lines, shapes, colors. But unlike Television, Film, and Cartoon we are not given one very important tool... music.

Any scene in a film (aside from silent ones, of course) wouldn't be the same without the music in them...

So, my theory recently was that... I listen to music I love and try and infuse that emotion into my images... Music really moves me... in every way. And I hope that it is conveyed in my work...

I just added a playlist to my blog (it's on the side or at the bottom...depending on what mood it's in) These are a few of the songs that have been inspiring me and playing on repeat lately... I will update it as I go...

Get a playlist! Standalone player Get Ringtones


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Envira Returns: Part V

The Series II Finale is coming up on Monday (February 7th)... and I am currently finished inking it ;) The coloring is taking some time... but so far I am really thrilled with how it's looking.

If you are behind at all feel free to catch up...

Low Impact Betty


Mews the cat :3

So, I have been sharing a little more lately, more about my life... more about my art... more about my process. What I haven't shared with you, however, is my newest roommate. Mews the cat.

(Photo cred: Tammy Trinh. THANKS :)

I am trying to think of different entry themes... I have "Starving Artist" but haven't found a way to be completely open about everything without offending certain people... I would write about working in retail, since it is a constant inspiration (cue an older woman in the fitting room who has me come look at her dress... it turns out she has selected a see-thru number and has decided to wear no bra... or panties. HELLO VAGINA! She had to be in her early 50s.....) DING DING DING!! GOLD!! ...but unfortunately I have been too open about where I work and don't want to put the store on blast. (Love 'em!!)

So, I thought I should start blogging about my cat. Finish off my lesbian status...


I randomly met Mews when I was visiting my friend Jessica... I think I was modeling for her store GeorgeLoves... or George the kitty... (cats! I can't escape them!!) Jessica lived with Nathan, an old co-worker of mine.... turns out, Mews was owned by another ex-coworker... Angela... Angela and I didn't fall in love until we ran into eachother at an Amy Sedaris book signing... then we realized eachothers status.

A few months ago she informed me she was moving and had to get rid of him... under most circumstances I would have said no... I live in a tiny apartment... and can hardly afford to feed myself... also, I have one window!! O_O

She offered to help me get started by giving me some food and litter... I had met him and liked him from the start... he has some class... but I now know he's a diva. And... I'm ok with that ;)

His name was something else before... but I felt like, he was such a big part of my life that I needed something special just for him... I didn't know what to call him... so many names came up but none of them seemed to fit. Then, I was comissioned to paint something for a friend (photos soon) and he would just lay around my apartment.

I would be listening to my favorite music... doing something I love to do... and here he is laying in the cutest poses... waking up and coily covering half of his face....

I decided since he was my new muse, I should call him Mews :3
I am working on a comic book series (still in the early writing stages) about a cat's 9 lives... based on my friend Elyse's cat Klause... but Mews is my inspiration... I will eventually start sketching him when I have more time... also, he will appear in the comic I'm working on with Bobby... we are still in the early stages of that also...
So here he is... my little diva... my little Mews... I will start talking about him more
