Thursday, December 11, 2014

TALES from Fashion City and 2015

Finally finished the current TALES from Fashion City... Tale... Ugh... so...many... group shots...

I had first started posting the (now 21 page) comic in June... as TALES reaches to 82 pages (I believe) I am excited to see it printed in the nearish future...

Sadly I will be finishing and posting TFFC "Solo Mission" Finale Part II in 2015 along with the 5 or so other TALES I have had in mind/development...

2014 has been a productive year for comics with FAT fridaze ending in November at 156 Comic Strips... TALES continuing on and including Envira for more issues than originally planned and Wanita the wheelchair witch hitting 16 pages...

Thank you to anyone who has read, continues to read and comment/share etc... it means the world to me :)

more 2015 info coming soon <3 br="">

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wanita The Wheelchair Witch Continues...

To make it easier to read on blogger I have started to seperate WWW into "Parts" which will just be each 12 pages.... So Part II Starts now with pages 13-16 ....

Go HERE to read Wanita Part II (Pages 13-16)
Go HERE to reread Wanita Part I

reread some some old ...  TALES from Fashion City

Friday, November 7, 2014


I finished the final strip last week (#156) and thought maybe I'd feel it... but I guess it's too surreal.

The project I started sometime in 2010... finally completed. *phew*

I thought I would put together some of the promo art over the years... it's interesting to see it all together...

Thank you so much to everyone who read FAT fridaze and supported me in any way through the process!! I've never made anything quite like it.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

TFFC: Solo Mission GIF

Currently working on Drag Queen Boy's "Solo Mission" followed by the finale... 

check out all the TALES below:

Monday, August 4, 2014

"Ginger & George"

Sometime in 2009 I was looking through the DMBstudios stacks and found an old script or dialogue written for what later became Ginger... I fleshed it out pretty quick at 3 pages... but later added the (now third page)... I inked it 2010 ... started editing and coloring 2013 and finally finished it in 2014. (20 minutes ago or so)...

One of the many things I love about comics... it takes so long to flesh out the whole 3D world that you are trying to breathe life into but you can leave the pieces unfinished for as long as it takes...

Thanks for reading


Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Rough Cuts

I started collaborating with my guitarist friend Rafael a few months ago... he has a lot of talent and range so we thought we could have some fun with sound.

So far we only have these two songs... "ULM" is a song I made about a year ago and then rerecorded recently... Rafael heard it and wanted to add a guitar part so he did and then I decided to rerecord the vocals for it:

"Where Are You?" was a keyboard part I came up with and added some lyrics... then Rafael added an amazing guitar part.

I've been really focused and consumed with writing for my comics so I haven't had as much time for music... FAT fridaze will be finished soon... and then I will be able to devote more time to music... I want to finally conquer my fear of public singing and play some live shows... *fingers crossed*

Thanks for checking these out...


Friday, July 18, 2014

Animated Selfie

I've been wanting to work with animation in a bigger way... Can't wait to flesh my characters out more and get them moving and talking... in the mean time I thought I'd make my selfie move.



Saturn Comix

Next Thursday I will reveal who this girl is... in an all new TALES from Fashion City Comic


Friday, June 13, 2014

Phoenix Returns!!

I just finished FF3 Strip # 135 about 20 minutes ago... this one was a miracle strip.... I had the idea for it... it was tough at first to decide how I wanted Adrian & Phoenix's reunion to go... I didn't stress and when I came back to it I fleshed out the pencils pretty quick... edited in one night and then colored in one night... usually I take longer to flesh out and finish a strip... *phew*

I only have 21 more strips to go :/ I'm kinda sad about that... bitter sweet.

Thanks for reading stonerz


Sunday, May 25, 2014

TFFC FREE Mini Zines!!!

I guess this is ANOTHER Triple Feature :) I had been wanting to do solo comics for each girl but had originally planned on making them much bigger/longer... I love the format of these little 8 pagers... easily collectible, portable.... etc

Drag Queen Boy, Gravy Girl & Fashion Girl
They are now available at Number-A Boutique in Little Tokyo (374 E. 2nd St.) as well as random locations hidden around Los Angeles... See if you can find all 3... FREEEEEE

Thanks for reading!!


Tuesday, May 20, 2014



I'm thrilled to be doing another TRIPLE FEATURE WEEK .... having Mars retrograde has been difficult but things started coming together and I thought I should challenge myself to another triple feature...

I just finished Wanita the wheelchair witch Part 3 early this morning (pages 9-12) and I have 2 more TFFC pages to color... and I still need to edit/color FAT fridaze.... *phew


Thursday, May 1, 2014


Sooo.... Bunny Boy didn't happen... I had nothing but technical problems trying to get it online for I'm going to wait a bit and will be hopefully posting a link to a DMBstudios webstore very soon...

In the works...

FAT fridaze... only 27 more comic strips until the finale!! (Below is a teaser for the cover art of FF Year One... I hope to be printing this within the next few months or so)

Wanita: Part 3... I have a lot of story in my head... can't wait to flesh it all out

TALES from Fashion City: A new 5 page story as well as more Tales being planned

The DMBstudios baby zines are doing well (available at No. A Boutique in Little Tokyo as well as other random locations around LA) so I have planed 3 NEW TFFC baby zines featuring the 3 main TALES from Fashion City girls... I am almost finished writing them... they will also be available as a 3 pack for online sale <3 nbsp="">

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Bunny Boy CUMMING 4/20

Finally (a few years later) it is time to sell Bunny Boy ONLINE!!! This is my first B&W comic (as well as self print) and I am so thrilled I finally got to address issues that are still current, like the effects of porn culture and social media on the individual... I will be posting a link Sunday to sell 18 copies... if they sell fast I will reprint fast... Thanks for the support people of the interwebz!!


Friday, March 28, 2014

FAT fridaze Year 3 so far...

Today I just posted the 20th strip for FF3 (which means there are only 32 strips until FAT fridaze is OVER!!) ... I'm really happy with how # 124 turned out!

Next week starts the first of 10 comic strips of "Love Train" I'm going to finally show Adrian & Julian's relationship more in depth... I've always wanted to write a queer couple and now I finally have them!! It's been interesting writing about soul mates and boyfriends being single. haha... artistic challenge? ....

Thanks for reading!! <3 br="" nbsp="">

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hey Zine-FEST... I'm ready fer ya!!

IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!! LA zinefest 2014... this time I made a baby zine to hand out for free... it took a while for me to narrow shit down... but last night (or this morning rather... 4:30ish am to be exact) it all clicked together... (I'll also be bringing some "Bunny Boy" comics) WOOOO!!

Friday, February 14, 2014


When I started FAT fridaze in early 2011 (or perhaps late 2010... not really sure) I was open to not knowing where the story would lead... it's one of the scary and exciting things about comics or just storytelling in general. When you start to breathe life into characters they end up taking on a life of their own... at a certain point you have to get out of the way and let the development naturally progress...

I knew I didn't want these characters to have a cliche tragedy filled life because I feel like too many times in gay media that is all we see (sex and brutality). I think tragic truth is very important especially in a time where we are finally winning some battles for our rights but there needs to be a good mix of tragedy, victory and growth... I want to show the good side of "homosexual life". Because contrary to popular belief there is plenty of good and it often outweighs the bad... Fuck all these stigmas!!

In year one I did a 10 part series "After Hours" that follows one night when Adrian and Phoenix go out on the town (because let's face it... it's really hard to have much development in 4 panels) This year I really want to focus on Adrian and Julian's relationship more... and didn't get to delve into it much I'm doing "Love Train" another 10 week series (I felt like Valentine's Day was a good time to post about it)

Someday I would love to flesh these guys out more... mini comics, one shots and hey, maybe a graphic novel... It's really hard to leave so many details on the cutting room floor, but it's just another challenge for me...

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has read and continues to follow my characters... (I plan on printing Year 1 sometime this year... we'll see ;)

Much love,
