Saturday, February 15, 2014

Hey Zine-FEST... I'm ready fer ya!!

IT'S THAT TIME AGAIN!!! LA zinefest 2014... this time I made a baby zine to hand out for free... it took a while for me to narrow shit down... but last night (or this morning rather... 4:30ish am to be exact) it all clicked together... (I'll also be bringing some "Bunny Boy" comics) WOOOO!!

Friday, February 14, 2014


When I started FAT fridaze in early 2011 (or perhaps late 2010... not really sure) I was open to not knowing where the story would lead... it's one of the scary and exciting things about comics or just storytelling in general. When you start to breathe life into characters they end up taking on a life of their own... at a certain point you have to get out of the way and let the development naturally progress...

I knew I didn't want these characters to have a cliche tragedy filled life because I feel like too many times in gay media that is all we see (sex and brutality). I think tragic truth is very important especially in a time where we are finally winning some battles for our rights but there needs to be a good mix of tragedy, victory and growth... I want to show the good side of "homosexual life". Because contrary to popular belief there is plenty of good and it often outweighs the bad... Fuck all these stigmas!!

In year one I did a 10 part series "After Hours" that follows one night when Adrian and Phoenix go out on the town (because let's face it... it's really hard to have much development in 4 panels) This year I really want to focus on Adrian and Julian's relationship more... and didn't get to delve into it much I'm doing "Love Train" another 10 week series (I felt like Valentine's Day was a good time to post about it)

Someday I would love to flesh these guys out more... mini comics, one shots and hey, maybe a graphic novel... It's really hard to leave so many details on the cutting room floor, but it's just another challenge for me...

Thank you thank you thank you to everyone who has read and continues to follow my characters... (I plan on printing Year 1 sometime this year... we'll see ;)

Much love,
