A friend comissioned a painting from me last year, she wanted herself in a space helmet... I don't normally design or draw them so it was a fun challenge... in the process I came up with many different designs... but they didn't have the mod feel she was looking for so I decided to keep some of them for later...

Here is the painting of the friend (I don't paint much) I liked how it turned out, except I wasn't overly excited about the purple.. the blue paint I was using had a lot of green in it and it came out a bit different, but I guess things often turn out a bit different than planned... (this was sometime in 2009) Thanks Kristen :)

(this is the alternate design in B&W, I liked the most... yet... she looks a little too much like Paris Hilton)... haha... not intended...

My scanner didn't pick up the color very well, I even enhanced it and am still not too thrilled with the end result...
Here she is before she was colored... not as Paris Hiltony

Here was the original alternate design... I did this in 2009 when I was working on the painting... but I didn't finish this one and color it until 2010
OH. i just saw this page. haha <3