Wednesday, April 8, 2015

1st DMBtv VIDEO!!

DMBstudios Illustration Video from DMBtv on Vimeo.

I have been filming these scenes for a couple years now... I wanted people to get a glimpse of the time it takes just to color a single image of a character... then imagine the amount of time it takes to develop, write, design, sketch, edit, ink, scan, and color it all...

I love doing what I do but it is definitely a process and can be frustrating... If the ideas could just flow out of my brain onto paper or the computer/TV screen I would have many MANY many comics and cartoons out in the world... Instead there is a filter...the ideas swirl together and eventually shoot out through my hand...

We live in a time where everything appears so instant but we sometimes forget the creative humans working behind the scenes just to bring you a story, song, or image...

Please don't spend seconds publicly bashing work that has taken possible years to create.

Thanks for watching!!


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