Sunday, March 5, 2017

MRamorphous Playlists

MRamorphous started as a username... soon I found that I used it quite often... and eventually decided it was perfect to name any music I wanted to post... now it's been about 5 years that I've been playing around with sound and after a few eps I realized I tend to make either synthy tracks or vocal tracks (either in english or in just sound) I decided it would make it easier to get a sort of idea of what my music is like if I compiled these songs into little collections... so here they are... Unquiet, Resonate and Inarticulate 

MRamorphous ZINE coming soon!!

Unquiet is a collection of songs I made over the last 5 years with lyrics... with the exception of "ALONE" which is a 7 minute guitar solo from my friend Rafa Erduz I added lyrics and synth to

Resonate is a synth only collection except for the voices in the track "Synchronicity" and repetitive melody in "Danimal" ... all first takes of each layer as well... usually made out of nowhere and later re-listened to and chosen to post…

and finally Inarticulate compiles my favorite songs I didn't feel needed words... the emotions are conveyed without them... I got to a point where it felt like trying to worry about lyrics was getting in the way of the expression... it would take longer sometimes than just creating the sounds... I also didn't want to make it so specific... it has specific meaning for me but could be left up to the "audience" (should one ever exist) and was also just more theraputic

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