As everyone with internet probably knows by now… 2016 really blew chunks for most people… so it’s not a surprise that I’m in that same boat…
I’d say since I’ve moved to Los Angeles (2007) I’ve had many challenges… very welcomed. I’ve failed, I’ve struggled with believing in myself and really gotten to explore who I am and what I’m about, fearing if anyone would ever truly get my work and what I was trying to express or just see me as some joke that draws cartoons. It’s still something I struggle with… and being in a Trumpression (I’ve been trying diff combos… guess I’ll go with that one for now) with the rest of the world doesn’t help. It’s like a thin layer of evil fog that just makes you feel like shit.
It makes me think… what can I do RIGHT NOW? What can I say RIGHT NOW?… TO CHANGE THE WORLD!!! and I’ve been drawing blanks. (It’s a tall order alone I suppose, luckily there are a ton of other people that are finally fed up with the status quo) I don’t usually get so literal with my comics and tend to really try and let ideas marinate for their time but I am definitely looking forward to all the really important dialogue that I will soon finally get to have in my work. The years of trying to find the time and energy to really cultivate and expand each story each character, each imaginary universe. For those of you that haven’t read my comics, I am currently working on 6 different comic series, 5 of which are online for FREE…(one at merely 24 pages while another is close to 500) not including my zine series and future zines and comics as well as video and music…
I guess I just really hope that we are finally getting that we have to work TOGETHER and see past these hateful labels and stereotypes that are keeping us apart…truly appreciate our differences and see how they all fit together to create a beautiful world... that we can someday heal the wounds with reparations and a new respect for each other and ourselves...we are all still working on our own personal dialogues and who can blame us when America has been pushing it’s white washed agenda down everyones throats for so long… it’s all some people know sadly…but now there is no excuse anymore…we should know better.
Media is so much more powerful than most people realize, and anyone who tries to control the masses subconsciously with ideas of what they should look like, act like, to the point of making nobody feel like they are enough etc is truly evil. I hope that one day we can be on the same page when it comes to basic human rights and equality… why do we accept that some people are so rich that they are bored while others so poor they get to starve and die a quick death…why one sex gets to dominate every field while the other is always questioned for their ability….others who don't fit into the modern "norms" are treated like perverts or mentally ill... I understand there is good and evil, light and dark, a balance etc but it doesn’t seem ok to me… it doesn’t seem necessary… why have people been ok with these things for so long?
So, with all of the obvious reasons like Trumpression and then my own personal reasons I haven’t felt very productive with my work… maybe it’s because I could have millions of pages but they are slowly dripping out of my skull at a painful pace… maybe it’s because I don’t currently have a compatible photoshop/tablet combo… maybe it’s because I have a full time job…. but, with all my might, I’m going to keep pushing, and loving and creating my stories… to help heal… to teach, to entertain…hopefully you.
WE CAN DO THIS!! We can work together and make a better life for all of us… where no one gets left in the dust… well, that is, if Earth isn’t over us already and decides to soon get rid of us… *GULP
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