This is a series that started about 15 years ago (like The Mismatched Miscreants)... I was a Junior in high school, watching Cartoon Network (Powerpuff Girls, Cowboy Bebop, etc) and reading newly translated Sailor Moon manga ... I first designed the ghost girl... and then the vampire came about and slowly evolved... but it took me forever to decide on the witch... this is the first time they have ever been in color and finally had a story to start things off... I decided on a zine because I can do a lot with 8 pages and just really want a printed book of them already ... This will be my FIRST full COLOR zine... I really enjoyed exploring the diversity of black and white with all my other zines but am excited to take them to another level.
I only have a few pages left to finish illustrating but am already coloring some of it... I will have them ready and available at the 2017 LA Zinefest ... really looking forward to it!! Thanks for reading and interacting