Saturday, June 19, 2010

The Starving Artist: Second Entry

It's been a while since my last entry... and luckily I am not currently without food. My good friend Amanda moved to Los Angeles at the end of May and has been kind enough to buy me food... she also gave me an amazing new hair cut (my hair was about 12 inches long... now it is 3-4 inches...) It's crazy how much such a small thing can effect a person... I was getting depressed about life... lack of money, lack of time and energy to work on stuff... the worst of all... lack of money for markers... I hate it when I can't even ink my drawings... But her energy and sense of humor have really inspired me, it's nice to have her around.

R.I.P. Lucious Lady Locks (you will be missed)It took a couple years to grow my hair that long, but I was ready for a change...
The ENVIRA Comic has been a lot of fun to work on... yet again, another fun project that I'm allowed to do whatever I want. I feel really lucky that I have been able to colaborate or work for people that aren't restricting my imagination....I would have inked Part IV already but my last marker dried up... luckily I am getting paid on Monday and will still have a week before it posts so I will have time to ink and color it as well as work on Part V and promo art for both... I have decided how it is going to end... but won't work out the details until I am drawing it. I really like to take an idea and just go with it and see where it takes me... I also enjoy scripting things out sometimes too... both are enjoyable.

I think I work best when I'm working on several projects at a time, I never get bored because there is always something else to do...

I did some more writing today for my first self published comic I am working on... I'm trying to figure out what will be in it...

Other than that I am just trying to enjoy the present... listening to good music, spending time with great people... relaxing...

I will leave you with a little visual feast... If you aren't on tumblr I suggest you get one, it is a really amazing site. I am a very visual person and enjoy posting and reposting pictures more than anything... take a gander at THIS!!!

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