Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wanita The Wheelchair Witch Continues...

To make it easier to read on blogger I have started to seperate WWW into "Parts" which will just be each 12 pages.... So Part II Starts now with pages 13-16 ....

Go HERE to read Wanita Part II (Pages 13-16)
Go HERE to reread Wanita Part I

reread some some old ...  TALES from Fashion City

Friday, November 7, 2014


I finished the final strip last week (#156) and thought maybe I'd feel it... but I guess it's too surreal.

The project I started sometime in 2010... finally completed. *phew*

I thought I would put together some of the promo art over the years... it's interesting to see it all together...

Thank you so much to everyone who read FAT fridaze and supported me in any way through the process!! I've never made anything quite like it.