Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Gay comic book characters

"LGBT themes in comics are a relatively new concept, as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) themes and characters were historically omitted intentionally from the content of comic books and their comic strip predecessors, due to either censorship or the perception that comics were for children.[1] With any mention of homosexuality in mainstream United States comics forbidden by the Comics Code Authority (CCA) until 1989,[2] earlier attempts at exploring these issues in the US took the form of subtle hints or subtext regarding a character's sexual orientation.[3] LGBT themes were tackled earlier in underground comix from the early 1970s onward. Independently published one-off comic books and series, often produced by gay creators and featuring autobiographical storylines, tackled political issues of interest to LGBT readers." -Wikipedia

to read more about this check out the whole wiki page ;) 


Also, check out my gay bff comic strip series: FAT Fridaze


Monday, August 1, 2011

Jimmy the zine!!

Thank you to Jimmy Vogel and all the talented young homos working at JIMMY the zine! I am so thrilled to be a part of the line up for Issue No. 2 "The Greenwood".

"JIMMY is an L.A. based queer zine. Independently published in the hills of Silver Lake and the heart of Hollywood, this 50+ page quarterly explores the diverse creative talents of this sprawling city. Through photo editorials, interviews, art, and articles this zine discovers and promotes L.A.’s underground queer community. In a blog-cluttered world, JIMMY stands as a printed history, preserving and documenting a unique and city-specific cultural moment."

If you've been keeping up with my weekly comic strip FAT Fridaze you will recognize these guys. Adrian and Phoenix make their printed debut in a 4 page original story "Picnic".
To order your own copy of JIMMY Issue No. 2 visit the website here
Also, show some support and add these guys on facebook!!