Monday, May 30, 2011

Envira III Update!!!

I tend to do a lot of writing and sketching and planning for as long as I need to... then randomly my ideas will explode onto paper... Recently that was finally the case... I've been writing Envira 3 for months, but working out such a large story in such a small amount of pages takes me a while... I want to try and get most if not all of my ideas into the comic. Luckily I was able to do some of the things I didn't have time to do in Series II... but, as always some of my ideas for Series III will end up on the cutting room floor.

So far I have Part I almost finished, and I have drawn Parts II-IV (just need to flesh out the finale and start coloring)

Also, Series 4 is in the works... I have the villain planned out and most of the story (which has gotten more complex and developed so much more over the past month or so) I'm really excited.

This is just the tip of the iceberg with Envira, there is so much more I am going to do with her. Thank you to everyone for reading, it really means a lot :)


Saturday, May 21, 2011

"FAT Fridaze" Comic Strip: #001

Just posted the very first "FAT Fridaze" Comic strip yesterday! About 200 people clicked on the blog to read it, I was really happy :) Thank you guys so much for reading, tweeting and reblogging my baby :) It means a lot to me! Please join me every Friday for more stories about these guys... I have many many more to tell :)


Friday, May 6, 2011


I have been quite the hermit lately... toiling away at home... I've been working and planning a lot. I'm working on some exciting new stuff... I'm happy to say I have started working on a graphic novel that will hopefully come out in the next year... I plan on releasing comic strips on my blog soon, I would love to do weekly but I might be able to... perhaps monthly... will start back on Envira 3 soon... I'm happy to be productive!

(Isn't he a cutie?)

Mouth like a Sailor!! :3